on above link and thou shalt be taken to my model.
paperwork aside, lets get to the fun part - images!
Cousteau Lab

For Cousteau's lab, I used the fact that he spent most of his life on a boat and made the ramp connecting the two levels and the meeting place uneven and undulating to mimic the rhythm and pitch of a boat when it rocks on the ocean. At the same time in accordance with his quote 'to protect' i made the ramp encircle his lab.
In reference to his marine life documentaries the lab itself was as fishbowl-like as possible so its like he's working in one of his documentaries. Also the floors and the walls mimic this effect as well as if you go into my model in unreal the floor flows in a wavelike fashion and the walls bubble like a typical fish tank.
There is orange light illuminating the lab from the interior to mimic a sunrise or a sunset on the open sea.
Also, notice that I have installed a crow's nest at the very top of his lab so that when he wants to remininesce about his life on the sea he can climb up there and look out to the horizon line.
Electroliquid Aggregation Link: The ramp in this lab sort of watches over the lab itself at the same time it provides the watcher to opportunity to dissect its attributes from every a single. Hence noting its similarities and differences.
Nobel Lab
My quote for Nobel is that 'all science is built on observations of similarities and differences'. So his lab was built entirely out of cylinders of different sizes, referencing both his idea and the fact that his most famous invention - dynamite traditionally comes in a cylindrical shape.
His side of the ramp being a maze that becomes more difficult to navigate as you walk closer to his lab references Nobel's shyness with people and his intellectual need for challenges. If you read his biography Nobel was a 19th century Renaissence man in that he ran a successful business that made him a billionare by age 40, invented a lot of things as side projects...etc. So it made sense (to me anyway) to have a maze installed on his ramp to stimulate him as he walks to the meeting place and as it becomes harder closer to his lab to keep away people as he was notoriously awkward with people.
The Ramp/Meeting Place

The top image is the view standing on the second level Nobel lab looking out at the ramp leading up and leading away from the meeting place.
The bottom image is the view standing at Cousteau's crow's nest looking down at the meeting place and the ramp leading up to it from the lab.
The meeting place is in the shape of a perfect circle so to denote that Nobel and Cousteau are meeting on an equal footing (sort of like the Arthurian Round Table) and the texture which looks like two halves straining to meeting is a sign of the spirit of cooperation in which they can have an intellectual exchange of ideas.
I kept the lighting simple as well so to keep the meeting place as neutral as possible.
Electroliquid Aggregation Link: To protect something you need to know as much about them as possible. Both images are from labs watching over a link. Because when something enchants you that much...wouldnt you want to know as much as possible about it?
For your viewing pleasure, here are some more fillers.

note: sorry about the lack of spaces in the texts, i've been trying to correct it but its just not seperating for some reason so it looks like one giant paragraph...